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News Updates

AFIRD was founded in 1997 by a group of professionals who realized the need for an integrated approach to rural development and brought their experiences together to develop the country. It was registered as an NGO in 1998 under registration No: S-5914/2404 and Certificate No: 2222. It is authorized to operate in all parts of Uganda.

AFIRD envisage a society free from hunger and diseases living in a peaceful and green environment and with a Mission to empower smallholder farming communities for income, food and nutrition security through sustainable faming systems and contributing towards organic agricultural and environment policy development and implementation in Uganda. Read more.....

Annual schools' open day

AFIRD will be holding an annual schools open day scheduled to take place on 23rd September 2022 at Kikunyu CU Primary School in Kammengo, Kampala- Masaka Rd


You're all invited


AFIRD History Series

In 2020, AFIRD started documenting its history rooted back in 1998. This is done through narration by different stakeholders. Below are a series of stories from different people. Read more......


Our Projects

AFIRD is currently implementing four projects spread in two districts in central Uganda. These projects are implemented in partnership with Misereor, Bread for the World, ADA & DKA through HORIZONT3000, Tudor Trust and MIVA. Read more......


Our Focus

AFIRD's work is geared towards causing a change in livelihoods, environment, education and the health of vulnerable communities in Uganda. To that effect, four strategic programs were instituted to drive AFIRD towards the change envisaged. Read more...

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